After much serious thought given to all the problems associated with Etsy I've finally decided that it's time to close my shop there this year. It's been almost 6 years of selling on their venue, and loads of wonderful customers, but with all the changes Etsy has made over the past 6 years I feel it's not the kind of venue I want to be associated with anymore. In case you haven't noticed, Etsy has been allowing mass manufactured merchandise to be sold on their venue. It's no longer the place to go for handmade, vintage and supplies. It's now much like any other selling venue that allows mass manufactured goods that are masqueraded as handmade. Not to mention that they are routing traffic to your own geographic area, so sellers no longer are found by many buyers when they are searching the site. There are so many other serious issues happening, and it's taken it's toll on my business and my trust of the venue.
I'm hoping with multiple options for secure payments, as well as my larger inventory, and the ability to add as many photos as needed, and the wonderful mouse over feature on photos, my customers should enjoy shopping in my Shopify store even more than Etsy.
I hope you'll visit me often here, as I add new merchandise on a daily basis.
Thank you for your patronage!